Comment 106205

By jason (registered) | Posted November 13, 2014 at 19:13:57 in reply to Comment 106203

totally disagree. This is a beautiful, intact heritage building in great condition and location for redevelopment. Imagine we were in Montreal. Would this be knocked down instead of worked with?

Any self-respecting city should preserve it's built heritage. Everything doesn't have to be a 'Pigott' to deserve preservation. There is nothing overly spectacular about the Lister Block, but it represents an era in our city's history. And now look at it. Gorgeous. Places like Mississauga would kill to have buildings like Lister, Mt St Joseph, Gore Park street wall etc.....

Hamilton might be one of the most self-depreciating cities I've ever seen. We've believed the press about us for so long that we're an armpit and dump that we turn it into a self-fulfilling prophecy by removing the soul of the city for bland stucco boxes that will be demolished long before Lister or Mt St Joseph.

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