Comment 106204

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted November 13, 2014 at 18:58:46 in reply to Comment 106203

That's the major problem: there is apparently no plan for redevelopment.

It is, once again, demolish now, think later about possibly re-developing. And in the meantime we will have another vacant lot or surface parking lot damaging the vitality of the city. Probably for years, possibly for decades as is the case for many of the vast surface parking lots downtown.

A feasible re-development plan (both architecturally and financially) should be a condition for granting a demolition permit. There have been many cases recently of owners who insist on demolishing with no concrete plans to actually rebuild, just as a way of reducing property taxes and reducing the carrying costs for land speculation. Demolition for the purpose of land speculation (and reducing property taxes) should not be encouraged! Remember that it is the rest of us who end up paying higher taxes to subsidize the speculation.

Maybe there is a feasible plan for quick re-development. But no one has seen any evidence of one.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-11-13 18:59:51

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