Comment 106154

By mel (registered) | Posted November 12, 2014 at 14:43:42

People will turn out to vote IF they know that their participation is vital to the success of their city, their neighbourhood, and their family (however they define 'family').

The City of Guelph began an ambitious goal about 18 months ago: Open Government that seeks to actively engaging citizens in all aspects of the city, essentially opening the doors of City Hall to citizens and treating citizens as equal decision-makers on par with city Councillors and city staff.

But it's not a one-way street (pardon the pun), as City officials EXPECT citizens to help find solutions, to fix problems, not just point them out (or point fingers of blame).

I asked each Mayoral candidate for their view on Open Government and didn't get one reply. I still voted and will try to find ways to press my new city toward an Open Government philosophy.

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