Comment 105815

By end patriarchy (anonymous) | Posted October 31, 2014 at 12:31:08 in reply to Comment 105759

What would be "treating men and women as equals" would be to end the current regime of patriarcho-capitalism, and all its expressions of gender inequality, including but not limited to gendered violence. Great article, Doreen. It is a good time to draw pointed attention to this issue here in Hamilton--just in the last few weeks, there have been high-profile news stories about women being abused or killed by professional athlete partners, Hollaback's a woman walking in New York to highlight harassment now receiving death threats, Doug Ford calling a woman reporter a "little bitch," Anita Sarkeesian receiving even more death threats in GamerGate, Jian Ghomeshi's apparent abuse of at least 9 women. These are high-profile cases, but abuse happens every day in our own communities. Time to get real.

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