Comment 105771

By StephenBarath (registered) | Posted October 30, 2014 at 16:26:55

Main and Dundurn is a huge “walkability fail,” and will continue to be so despite the zebra treatment. I would say that pedestrians are de facto banned from the east side crosswalk- when asked about the timing of the pedestrian countdown there, one of the project managers included the helpful advice to “consider crossing Main Street on the west side crosswalk” to “avoid conflicts with southbound left turning traffic.”

Pedestrians are given fifteen seconds total to cross Main Street- all five lanes of it. The ‘Walk’ sign is lit for a grand total of five seconds before the countdown starts from 10- on a typical cycle, cars turning left onto Main will continue to do so well after their advanced green has ended. It regularly happens that a pedestrian’s entire ‘Walk’ signal will be consumed by motorists continuing to turn illegally.

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