Comment 105655

By Inhocmark (registered) | Posted October 27, 2014 at 10:32:39

I think being a suburban voter some of my interests do not naturally align with the reader base of Raise The Hammer. Often times I have felt city politics has marginalized some of the post amalgamation Wards despite the fact the higher property values in my area help to somewhat offset what could be a much more dire revenue picture for the city.

Before the negative votes and comments about my chosen place of residence come out, bear in mind that despite the fact the HSR route in my area is a joke and I would need to use a Burlington Transit bus and travel over an hour of actual ride time to get the 10km from my house to downtown Hamilton, I still support the LRT project. I also feel that a strong city in every Ward benefits all of us and I look for Candidates who share that feeling.

I came into this campaign ready to support Eisenberger who I voted for in the last election and least to me felt like a reasonable moderate who wouldn't completely ignore the big issues my Ward has.

However, like Steve above, I have been a bit turned off by the fact Eisenberger does not seem to have any real ideas positive or negative. He has a platform but it does not say all that much.

Despite reservations about how he will handle the suburban-lower city issue, I have been impressed with Brian McHattie. The man has worked hard as a candidate to at least attempt to see all the issues that are impacting the city and his platform is well presented and full of strong ideas, even if I do not agree with all of them.

I will be casting my vote for Brian McHattie today. My hope is that if he wins, his history of collaboration will make him a mayor not just for the lower city or for the suburbs, but for all of Hamilton.

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