Comment 105249

By Yup (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2014 at 10:22:09

About Pashley, Yea Trek does the same thing. They show pictures and say that everything is produced in house.

Everyone who has worked in the industry knows that half of the frame production process or tubing is still produced Over seas in Asia regardless if they say made in England.

Rust is a problem for All steel bikes in Ontario or where salt is used on roads, including Dutch bikes. I have restored many Dutch bikes and it is a good idea to prep the inside of the frame with rust check.

I have never had a rust problem with any Canadian Hand Built Frame I have owned, as long as you treat it.

And unfortunately there is no bike that is zero maintenance. Every time I work on a dutch bike it needs more than the person thinks. Wheels go out of true, Chains need repair, cogs wear. Nothing lasts forever.

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