Comment 105242

By TheDude (registered) | Posted October 07, 2014 at 22:08:39 in reply to Comment 105241

Do you work for the city?

I do not, but I did. In fact, when I did, it was in building and licensing, which is why I feel I can speak to the subject.

The licensing number goes to things that require a license, such as taxi drivers, tow truck drivers, businesses, etc. Building handles all building related activities, such as permits, inspections, review of plans, etc.

It looks like licensing may have moved from city hall over to the old Eatons Centre since I worked there, which was about 10 years ago, but when I did, building was on the left half of the 3rd floor, licensing on the right.

But, to be honest, are you confusing what licensing does with what building does? Have you had a bad experience there and are out to tell everyone about it?

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