Comment 105220

By ScreenCarp (registered) | Posted October 05, 2014 at 01:25:59 in reply to Comment 105219

Fair enough. Sadly cars exist and the ability to park them has an impact on local livability. They're likely to continue existing in the foreseeable future, in some form or fashion, especially here in our sprawling country. So I think our best option is to figure out how to live together.

In my example here, I'm simply suggesting an easy win. Not a best case. The bollards are better than nothing but I'd prefer planters/medians. Cars would protect the sidewalks, look at the change in Locke Street once they allowed parking on the East side of the street. Opened up a whole series of businesses. Like that place that makes the cupcakes...Bitten?...mmmm..whoopie pies.

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