Comment 105200

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted October 03, 2014 at 13:50:09 in reply to Comment 105173

The Pashley frame rusted out and they are replacing it at a reduced price. The frame's five-year warranty does not cover the paint, but I whinged...

I've heard the same thing about Pashely's ... as much as I like the look and ride, that scared me off. The traditional Dutch brands (and many of the new Dutch brands) generally have powder-coated frames with lots of paint ... just the right thing for a damp, Dutch winter or snowy, Canadian winter.

My last - and stolen :\ - Dutch bike sat outside, rain and shine and sleet and snow, for more than four years and didn't have any rust on it at all. And because of the enclosed chain, it was still on its original chain, too.

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