Comment 104975

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted September 30, 2014 at 09:00:58 in reply to Comment 104904

Thanks. I think the polling analysis here is really good, and it squares with the experience of previous campaigns as well. You and Fred were beating Bratina all ends up in the last election too, until fairly close to e-day. The dynamic is different here with one frontrunner instead of two; it does make Fred's job easier this time, a lot of playing defence, which he's good at.

He's run a really boring campaign, except for your mistakes I guess, but I don't think it's hurt him. Bratina's boondoggle of a mayoralty has made people long for boring even when it's as bereft of ideas as Fred is.

I still think Brian will win though; he's smarter and more dynamic than his opposition and offers more. I think people in the city long for it to be something more and are tired of being told they aren't good enough.

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