Comment 104965

By jason (registered) | Posted September 30, 2014 at 07:54:21 in reply to Comment 104948

The only one trying to roll the dice are guys like Clark. We've done all the in depth planning that every city does before a major investment. We've learned from the practices of cities around the world, and have had some of the worlds top researchers go over and verify our studies. Its so 'Hamiltonian' to ask for more and more studies that we all know simply end up in us missing the boat as usual. The heavy work has been done. Other than some minor tweaks and adjustments, it's time to build.

It must be so wild and refreshing to live in a city like K-W that has not only started LRT construction, but is also paying for a good portion of the construction on their own. Wow. A city that actually believes in itself enough to pay towards a transformational infrastructure project. We only do that in Hamilton when it's a project guaranteed to pave over more farmland, add more traffic pressure and increase the debt burden on taxpayers by subsidizing thousands of new homes. Ambitious City?? LOL

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