Comment 104944

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 29, 2014 at 13:13:07 in reply to Comment 104942

Well, that's why the province commissioned their own Benefits Case Analysis that was published back in 2010.

And that study provided convincing evidence that Hamilton's B-line LRT would have a strong net benefit. This resulted directly in the province giving the city $3 million towards the 30% engineering design of the line.

All this, including the alternatives you discuss, has been analyzed in detail by both the city and the province.

And the province has been very clear that projects will be funded not on their "business" case, but on their "benefits" case. Which is why the studies had the title and focus they did.

The major difficulty has not been in justifying the need and benefits of Hamilton's B-line project, but finding the new revenue sources that will be required for the $15B in funding. And the fact that Hamilton has been passively waiting for the province to send them the money has not helped their case politically. The province has been extremely happy with the planning that has been done by City staff, Metrolinx and the consultants, but that is not enough.

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