Comment 104901

By jason (registered) | Posted September 26, 2014 at 23:23:31 in reply to Comment 104899

definitely they will pay attention to that. There's only one way to lower the residential tax burden - new development in the already existing urban area, curb sprawl and lure new investments, companies and jobs to the city. Hamilton has kept it's tax increases in the 1-2% range the past several years. Lowest in the GTHA by far. Mississauga has seen some 10% plus increases past few years. Hamilton literally can't cut anything. Which is why many people worry about Clark bringing Mike Harris' common sense slash-fest to our city. No thx.

Growing the economy wisely and with proper growth is necessary. LRT can be a driver of that, along with proper guidelines limiting low density, debt-producing sprawl and adding new density through the entire region.

Check the tax implications when we redevelop the under performing lower city:

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