Comment 104897

By jason (registered) | Posted September 26, 2014 at 22:15:16 in reply to Comment 104889

If council has any brains they'll pay attention to data like this:

Even after 4 years of a mayor sabotaging LRT, the 18-54 age ranges overwhelmingly support a rapid transit system. And their preference is LRT in a landslide. Imagine how much more lop-sided this data would be after 4 years with a real mayor and some leadership.

The only age range that is split or opposed on LRT is over 65. Call me crazy, but no city on the planet should be making multi-decade planning decisions based on what folks over 65 prefer. The young, educated, tech-savy workforce is who we are targeting over the next 30 years of city-building. Let's plan for the future, not the past.

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