Comment 104883

By jeffzuk (registered) | Posted September 26, 2014 at 16:33:55 in reply to Comment 104878

Good reminder. Then what about Aerotropolis, which moves forward despite Mayor Bob Bratina voicing "grave concerns" because "of the serious risks involved to taxpayers should the promised development not occur at a level that would support the investment of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for the required servicing"? Source

Or this: "Perhaps the biggest concern is the risk versus reward consideration. The cost to provide services to these lands is upwards of a billion dollars, with no guarantee of justification in terms of thousands of new, well paying jobs. (Rob Rossini's words to council were…"but I gotta tell ya…if the development doesn't come, taxes will go through the roof….." ) In an aerotropolis setting, likely candidates for development would be warehousing and distribution centres. Current studies show employee numbers as low as one per 4,000 square feet, and wages can be as little as $11 dollars an hour." (Italics mine) Source

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