Comment 104823

By jason (registered) | Posted September 24, 2014 at 22:07:07

Maybe future mayors should hire staff who can clean filing cabinets and desks for them.....we weren't born yesterday.

By the way, if anyone wants to enjoy half an hour in the Bizarro World, listen to the rest of that clip. Wow. Amazing stuff. We shouldn't bother with lower city transit because we need more roads to Binbrook because we refuse to stop building subdivisions in Binbrook. We should rip up flower beds on Barton St because apparently traffic is like LA. (full disclosure, I live in Hamilton and have driven there thousands of time and don't think I've ever hit a red light, let alone seen congestion).

Only 'extremists' think the bus lane is worthwhile. After all, NYC doesn't use bus lanes. Their buses just doodle around various accidents and stalled cars.

Oops: Oops: Oops:

The sounds bites are endless. Def worth a visit. He also manages to slag Pittsburgh and Portland. Apparently all those international delegations and awards both cities have been winning really belong to Hamilton.


Comment edited by jason on 2014-09-24 22:14:15

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