Comment 104815

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted September 24, 2014 at 15:12:07

It is so nice to hear a cogent voice of reason. A candidate that's done their homework. If she's elected, I sense that Ms Robbins will add substantially to Council's conduct and performance over the next four years. Having examined her site and read up on her, I can say that she'd be very hard not to vote for. I'm sorry I missed this:

As a post-script, I'll say that not all candidates are as thoughtful nor as eloquent as she is. I attended the Mayoral 'conversations circles' event at the Library this week and was reminded of the difference between someone who has the 'right stuff' and someone who quite clearly, does not. Early on in the event, I had to shake my head; politicians in office are often accused of all manner of bad behaviour. Bafflegab. Prevarication. Of being a wind-bag. Or arrogance. But the same can often be said of newbie candidates, where chutzpah turns into a clear case of narcissism. All in the name of the democratic process.

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2014-09-24 15:13:47

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