Comment 104808

By hshields (registered) - website | Posted September 24, 2014 at 14:09:51

If people in Hamilton are still "confused" over what BRT looks like. Please, please PLEASE, drive to Markham. It isn't that far. I've done it a few times. Here's a link.

Metrolinx is providing funding to York Transit to install BRT along Hwy.7. It follows exactly the description in the article. I can assure you - it is massively disruptive to build. It includes stand-alone stations. It includes dedicated lanes that are physically separated from the rest of the corridor and there is no left turning until you meet major intersections (please note, smaller intersections can only turn right).

I can understand opting for BRT over LRT for a variety of perfectly valid and logical reasons (e.g. unstable roadways, need to transfer to and from BRT to regular transit system etc..). Do any of these reasons exist in Hamilton? We have YEARS of studies that say no.

If you're going to build dedicated linear infrastructure that is cost effective and can enhance property tax LRT is the way to go.

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