Comment 104695

By John Neary (registered) | Posted September 22, 2014 at 14:03:12

To me, the bottom line of Chris' work is that if Hamilton undermines LRT (by refusing to convert Main/King/Cannon to two-way traffic, and refusing to make planning decisions that support transit-oriented development), then the potential of LRT will not be realized.

There are basically two cases for BRT. One relies on pretending that the half-assed express bus B-line service is BRT, which it isn't. That allows transit-haters to pretend they are supporting BRT over LRT when really they're just supporting the status quo. The other takes the most cynical possible interpretation of Chris' work: Hamilton will never create the prerequisites to enable development along a potential LRT route, ergo LRT is a waste of money.

A big step down from "The Ambitious City".

Thanks, Chris, by the way, for sharing this eloquent description of your work and raising the level of debate around this issue.

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