Comment 104690

By Simon Ward 3 (anonymous) | Posted September 22, 2014 at 13:28:33

Tree canopy is an important part of any city.
I have contributed to Toronto's canopy as part of my job as a landscaper.
There any tree over 12 inches wide at chest height is automatically protected, even in your back yard. Permits to fell trees can be obtained, after inspection, and they will tell you how many trees you must plant (from their approved list). Eg.I had to plant 5 large nursery trees to replace 1 mature tree.
Also any large building work requires Tree Protection Zones to stop the builders damaging existing trees.
And I have had random street trees planted into clients front gardens to help the city reach its canopy targets.
All of these things are good initiatives, none of which Hamilton have.
On my street in ward 3,of the 7 trees 4 are 'weed trees'-non natives that produce 1000's of seeds that start trees as weeds all over the place. Many streets here have few or no trees.
The backyards and lane way only has weed trees with more every year.
You only have to look at the city on google earth to see the direct correlation between tree canopy and the wealthier/ desirable neighborhoods. The reasons for this are less important than the remedy.
We need community lead tree planting schemes and the city needs to maintain them. And not just to butcher them to clear hydro lines.

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