Comment 104684

By jeffzuk (registered) | Posted September 22, 2014 at 06:50:45

So in Canadian parlance, BRT is just an express bus.

Well, not quite, but I see your point. The PDF is helpful, and states:

"Bus rapid transit is a rubber-tired rapid transit service that combines stations, vehicles, running ways and a flexible operating plan into a high-quality, customer-focused service that is fast, reliable, comfortable and cost-efficient."

If BRT is ultimately what Hamilton gets, which I personally will find disappointing, it should be more than just what we have, which is what Ryan is pointing out in this article. As pointed out at the top of the page, comments coming from the anti-LRT camp are suggesting we already have BRT (in the form of express buses): for example, Brad Clark saying, "We need to enhance Bus Rapid Transit."

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