Comment 104362

By jason (registered) | Posted September 06, 2014 at 22:31:14 in reply to Comment 104345

Check this out:

I realize in Hamilton we'll need some routes through neighbourhoods like the #3 Cannon and portions of the #5 Delaware, but think of the opportunities to use our mostly gridded street network and combine some routes with the same frequency at all times. Possibilities are endless. Think of current routes like the #41 or B-Line that connect various points of the city. Eliminate some stops and use the most direct route possible. Now, take routes like the Upp Wentworth/Wellington. Why not extend it down King to Mac or even Dundas as a merged route with one of the many #5's?

This was the idea behind extending the #8 York along the entire length of Dundurn St. Unfortunately the city refuses to put a pedestrian signalled cross-walk at York and Strathcona, which caused concern among the seniors population in Strathcona who demanded the #8 continue to wind and weave it's way through the narrow streets in the neighbourhood instead of just using York and Dundurn. Then of course, folks who live NW of York/Dundurn found out they'd be losing transit and rightfully flipped out. So, no improvements have yet begun on this route all because we won't install a signal at York/Strathcona to make it safe for people to cross. All that aside, the concept of using York and the full length of Dundurn is exactly what we need to be looking at system-wide.

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