Comment 104360

By jason (registered) | Posted September 06, 2014 at 16:53:05 in reply to Comment 104355

Got it. Thx That's a train wreck of a plan. Couple points:

  1. They don't need that much parking. This is being used a way to add in a bit of extra parking for the Ticats, which should be a non-starter for the folks who live in the area 365 days a year. Parking is by far the biggest waste of land possible in a city, especially a mixed-use neighbourhood.

  2. The timelines should be fought by residents as well. Why wait until 2017 to build the school and rec centre? I don't buy the line that 'we don't want construction during PanAm'. Are they suggesting that all construction projects in TO will be done before PanAm with no new ones allowed to start until after the games? Again, this is a feeble attempt to waste more land for parking during PanAm. We want out of town visitors to see new state of the art facilities being built at our stadium site, not acres of gravel or temporary asphalt.

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