Comment 104342

By jason (registered) | Posted September 05, 2014 at 18:26:33 in reply to Comment 104337

I agree that free transit for events like this is a good way to introduce people to transit. Which I wold see huge value in with an LRT system since it would be a normal, everyday part of the city's transit system. I'm sure most folks who use the free shuttles to TiCat games enjoy them, but I'm sure none of them even consider using the normal HSR service the next day for work as it's mostly slow, cumbersome and adds hours to your day.

Off topic, but I think Hamilton could streamline many of it's current routes without adding a single bus or driver and serve the population more efficiently and with a faster service. We don't need stops 1 block apart like we see so often. Or meandering routes through residential neighbourhoods when local arterial roads are a more direct and faster route.

Add to the current system some express bus routes along with the first LRT line and many people will start to use it as part of everyday life.

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