Comment 104135

By the son of Toronto (anonymous) | Posted August 23, 2014 at 20:51:02

This article is pointless. Because Hamilton need to improve both Go train and local transit. But local transit in Hamilton is pretty good. It's not over crowded, all buses are in good condition, clean, easy access for people on wheelchair... the service is good, buses run quite often, on times and go everywhere, bus drivers are very nice, helpful, polite and having good relationship with rides (not like in Toronto, buses are too old, very dirty, overcrowded, go slow, never on time, not every buses accessibly for wheelchair.. buses drivers are usually rude and they get insulted everyday... having very bad relationship with riders. I'm very happy with local transit in Hamilton (Probably I'm from Toronto where the transit is so bad and expensive). Its very good if we have more Go trains run all day because we already have station in downtown and another one will be finished soon. While the Liberal government said there is No money for Let in Hamilton. So why we are wasting time talking about LRT.

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