Comment 104123

By jorvay (registered) | Posted August 22, 2014 at 09:35:00

First, I definitely agree with this article. Local transit is more important to this city. There is something that people seem to be missing about GO transit though. With all-day service, Hamilton has a lot more to gain than just easier access to Toronto. When you look at the stations along the Lakeshore line, very few (if any) other than Union and Hamilton are central enough to be used as destinations. The other stops are all locations that are convenient to drive/walk/bike to from home for train access to Toronto. However, trains coming into Hamilton are rare and only during the evening commute home. With all-day service in both directions, there's a real opportunity for businesses to set up shop in an urban transit destination other than down town Toronto that's much more affordable. That's something that doesn't really exist right now.

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