Comment 104111

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted August 21, 2014 at 16:47:35 in reply to Comment 104105

Jason, none of these recommendations will get me to take HSR over my car for the following reasons:

1. My car will always get me from point A to point B faster than any bus/lrt as there is no traffic congestion in Hamilton.
2. I don't have to wait outside in the cold and rain for the bus.
3. I can bring other people with me in my car and carry belongings in the trunk much easier than on the bus.
4. My car is not on a schedule and can come and go as I please. My car doesn't stop running at 2am!!!
5. And last...I can afford to own and operate a car so I will do so as it is convenient and time is at a premium.

These reasons are valid for most Hamiltonians who are old enough to drive but for some reason you continue to live in a fantasy world.

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