Comment 103990

By RobF (registered) | Posted August 15, 2014 at 11:30:37 in reply to Comment 103986

It is puzzling. We're still waiting for John St in the North End to be returned to 2-way (soon i'm told). All that is left is the stretch from Strachan to Burlington, which passes two schools, a health centre, and rec centre. It is hard to see how or what is served by the current configuration (I assume it's the residual from when James and John were paired 1-ways ... why the remaining section of John was left unchanged isn't clear to me).

With regard to Wellington and Victoria ... I've assumed that when the City finally moved forward with reversion they would both be changed as a pair. Instead, we get a strange piece-meal change that addresses very specific users and problems (the move back to 2-way on Victoria north of Barton isn't based on the general case against 1-ways, but to address a very specific operational problem impacting EMS vehicles).

I'd like to hear more on the rationale for these piece-meal changes from City staff. What is the case for not doing more complete reversions? Cost? Technical considerations? Lack of support? Timidity? What?

Incidentally, has anyone noticed the markings on Cannon for the bike track? I saw white paint markings crossing at Ferguson the other day. I'd be interested to know if the City is following thru on what's been promised before it moves beyond rough markings.

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