Comment 103960

By jason (registered) | Posted August 14, 2014 at 18:11:19 in reply to Comment 103945

well said. The complete lack of any amenities within walking distance to this site is another indicator of how damaging the expressways have been to this part of town, and the whole lower city, for decades. I know Stinson spoke about a possible cafe across from the loft project, but I suspect the NIMBY crowd would go nuts.

Any great city I've been to has amazing little neighbourhood cafes and eateries tucked away for the local residents to gather at. In Hamilton other than the rare street where everything is clustered, you have to drive everywhere.

If you've never been to Ithaca, NY it's worth the trip. Great little town with a big city vibe. Tons of cute cafes and restaurants tucked into residential neighbourhoods all over town, including the venerable Gimmie Coffee

Would be great to see one or two on Stinson and tucked into most neighbourhoods. Toronto has these same walkable amenities and it greatly enhances the quality of life. Another area where Hamilton not only lags, but city hall opposes needed change.

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