Comment 103919

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted August 13, 2014 at 11:36:29 in reply to Comment 103917

Carolines' a particular stinker for me because as a driver it's demonstrated how easier it would be to get around these city side-streets with 2-way conversion. I used to have to do crazy Hamilton loops to get to Vida la Pita (I have a weakness for their felafel pitas). Now I just go the "wrong" way up Caroline from Main.

The only downside for the conversion of every side-street in the city would be the short-term cost of adding the facing traffic signals, and the upside would be better wayfinding and safety for the whole city. It wouldn't put a scratch in traffic on streets like Hughson and Caroline (streets that barely have any traffic) and yet city staff treat this issue like something the cat left on the front porch.

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