Comment 103864

By leases & land (anonymous) | Posted August 10, 2014 at 21:22:09 in reply to Comment 103857

In my opinion, there are way better sites for intensification that will have more effect on a local economy (ie, 10 block radius). To the south is a mountain access. To the West is a mountain access. To the east a 90 degree bend in the road is combined with a recreational trail where someone was killed in the past year or two. Cars are accelerating for the access and its not a particularly pedestrian friendly strip.

While it is on the rail trail, its not an urban site. No doubt the current use is not highest and best, but I don't see it working as you describe.

I'm not a naturalist that thinks we need to see everything left as trees. Nor am I anti development. Nor am I a status quo. I simply don't see people walking from their apartment or condo, to Wentworth, down to Main to the No Frills for groceries. An the flyovers/underpasses to the West aren't that great to walk around either. Mapping the location on gmaps shows that No Frills is only 10 minutes away, but I think crossing the tracks will be a barrier.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong. Time will tell.

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