Comment 103850

By Learn to wait (anonymous) | Posted August 09, 2014 at 22:00:44

I loved this comment.

"After pushing the walk button, I waited 56 seconds for the signal to change before I could safely cross.

Then, to be sure that it wasn't just a fluke, I waited a few minutes and pushed the button again. This time, I had to wait a whopping 85 seconds before the light changed!"

Whoa, you had to wait almost a minute to cross the street, then you had to wait almost a minute and a half the 2nd time? Whoa! Something must be outta whack there.

Provide context. Like, when did the light change when you pressed the button? How much traffic was there? What time of day was this? What day of the week was this? Were there other people waiting to cross, or just you? At just about every stretch along there you can see way down both sides of the street and just cross if the need be. Why not do that?

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