Comment 1035

By Still at 4 Hughson (anonymous) | Posted September 22, 2006 at 12:28:35

I work in the building at 4 Hughson. I gotta say I agree with things said by all sides here, not that it helps any of you. (Full disclosure: I still use DT as my insurer; though it's no longer convenient for me to just walk into their offices; all done by phone now.)

Yes, the restaurants comment is not really true, there is plenty of dining options all around here. I do agree with the DT employee a little bit about the safety, cleanliness and all-around atmposphere in the Gore park area. The comment may have been out of line, but I also could do with less welfare moms/unemployed or unschooled teenagers/bums, etc... A business also has to be convenient to not only its customers but also its employees, and if they have found most of both are now on the mountain, and it made financial sense to move, all the more power to them.

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