Comment 103030

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted July 07, 2014 at 09:01:00

Sorry; why is this relevant on RTH?

Is it because of the 'excessive speed' element vis a vis slowing down our traffic towards more complete streets? I'm going to assume that it is. So I feel obliged to point out that the issue is the driver. Just as the spate of school (and elsewhere) mass killings in the US over the past half-decade is the result of mental health issues, not access to guns. (Even though, unarguably, that gun access takes the situations to a much worse level of tragedy.)

I strongly believe in a reduction of residential speed limits. The area in which I now live cries out for 40Km/hr limits, perhaps even lower than this because of the innate tendencies of people behind the wheel (myself included) to drive above the limit, no matter the environment. (The 'Why?' here is another conversation entirely.) And I am against our inner-city thoroughfare roads. But to me, the highlighting of incidents such as this one as a 'news item' for the –perceived– purpose of galvanizing people towards demanding change falls far short of the behaviour necessary to attain more humane streets.

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2014-07-07 09:09:34

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