Comment 102747

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted June 20, 2014 at 10:12:50 in reply to Comment 102741

Honestly, I'm going to dissent and say that the city did need some kind of improvement in the automobile connection between the East Mountain and the QEW. The Red Hill wasn't the right form of this improvement, but it was absolutely needed. There was a tremendous amount of suburban development on the East Mountain that was completely cut off from the rest of the city, Red Hill or no Red Hill.

And while the research says the expressways will fill up eventually, I'm surprised that it still hasn't gotten as bad as pre-Linc days. The 403 west of Aldershot isn't half as bad as it used to be.

The problem was (a) the Red Hill was the most excessive approach to the problem - a million-interchange expressway blasted through nature, and (b) the city did nothing to influence the Red-hill based sprawl development to be sustainable and controlled to avoid filling the Linc all over again.

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