Comment 102621

By Trollbegone (anonymous) | Posted June 18, 2014 at 13:04:01

I can see you want to make this difficult, so I'll try to make it simple.

Regular bus service makes sense in some places.

BRT makes sense in some places.

Streetcars make sense in some places.

LRT makes sense in some places.

Subways make sense in some places.

Gondoliers make sense in some places.

I'm not against BRT. For some places, BRT makes the most sense. The B-Line is not one of those places. All the studies we have show that LRT will have more riders, more investment and more ROI than BRT and will be more cost effective for us to run.

But yay BRT in places where it makes more sense.

Is that simple and clear enough for you?

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