Comment 102568

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted June 17, 2014 at 11:30:35 in reply to Comment 102565

So, do you take the bus? Why not?

Buses make constant long stops, which makes them slow, which throws off the schedule. With the schedule thrown off you get the 30-minute-gap-then-4-buses problem. They also shake the crap out of you and get horribly overcrowded. Plus, the drivers have to juggle managing the boarding process and driving safely and keeping their schedule, which makes them justifiably but unacceptably cranky.

Buses are a miserable experience. We put up with it for short sprints, just like we put up with walking from a parking lot on a hot or rainy day. But expecting anybody who has better options (ie: a car) to take the bus is hilariously naive. You may as well ask them to jog to work. Obviously many folks do take the bus, but they're people without better options (bums, students, and the disabled) or people who are ideologically committed to buses.

But we need people to take more transit. Both for environmental reasons and also so that we can intensify downtown development (instead of giving over entire blocks to parking lots). So we need transit that doesn't suck.

And buses suck.

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