Comment 102567

By BRT is the better way (anonymous) | Posted June 17, 2014 at 11:29:09 in reply to Comment 102561

To Pxtl - there is no single definition for BRT - whatever configuration works to fit the specific, often changing, needs would determine what form BRT takes - regardless of what "Wikipedia" defines it to be. Yes, we do have a "B Line" service, and if there were more routes modeled in the same fashion, both east-west and north-south, it would provide a vastly improved level of transit service in Hamilton at a fraction of the, upfront AND operating, costs of LRT.

To Pxtl, jason and kevlahan - I understand the terminology quite clearly and am not confusing LRT with streetcars. Have ridden both for many years. LRT has existed from the Kennedy subway station in Toronto eastward for decades now. shannon (comment above) has added other quite salient points vis-a-vis the St. Clair disaster.

By the way kevlahan, I don't "claim" to support BRT, I DO support BRT and am well aware of what they actually are.

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