Comment 102356

By rednic (registered) | Posted June 11, 2014 at 22:53:20 in reply to Comment 102354

Being a ~new toronto type (5 years ) and a participant in the first New York City Century ride in (~92). I'll say a few things. There is NOT ONE cycling activist in New York who would tell you this was a five year battle. When I was there for the century ride there had been at least TEN years of activism before 92.

The only way it changed in New York was that there were SO MANY bicycles on the road. That no one knew what to do!

The only way it changes anywhere is when there is a 'critical mass' of cyclists on the road.

The solution is NOT to complain about how dangerous it is here (it's not), it is actually to increase the number of cyclists.

NO city will do this on the 'build it and they will come' theory. They'll only do it when important people feel like they may hit a cyclist while on their cell phone.

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