Comment 102328

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted June 11, 2014 at 11:38:06

"Hamilton could have been a leader in designing liveable communities if Council had listened to its citizens. Instead we are now trying to play catch up with other cities that have re-made themselves as safer, more attractive and more convenient places to live."

I would imagine it would be an invaluable exercise to examine 'other cities'(especially Canadian, most importantly ones in Ontario) and how their makeovers were accomplished. That way, we could draw evidence-based conclusions as to what happened in each instance. Maybe they were the result of community efforts. Maybe they were the result of 'visionary' Councils. Maybe they were the result of organic processes.

Don't you think this might help focus efforts in Hamilton?

Does anyone have a list of Canadian cities that were re-made?

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