Comment 101785

By Concerned Advocate (anonymous) | Posted May 29, 2014 at 12:10:38

My concern is especially for women on ODSP. If they live with a partner, abusive or not, his income, his resources, his retirement is counted against HER income, and in many cases, she loses her ODSP. I think that in ODSP situations, the benefit unit should be the individual. Even in non abusive situations, the woman is made to be almost wholly dependent on her husband, and many of them would not be pleased to report their own income and assets to the ODSP, because they are not on it. Further, if he has a retirement savings that is not locked in, or he is self-employed, his whole net worth is destroyed and could actually exacerbate a situation to become abusive. I've seen this happen in my practice, as well as learned of suicides of people whose lives and life savings have been trashed as a result of getting into a relationship with a person on ODSP, also while the person is in that relationship they have no funds usually to escape the abuse, and are often trapped.

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