Comment 101526

By Shelley McKay (anonymous) | Posted May 22, 2014 at 11:38:11

Hats off to HNC and Kyle McLoughlin!
The benefits of maintaining and enhancing our forests in both urban and rural settings are becoming increasingly recognized. Forests clean the air, filter our water, store carbon, contribute to biodiversity, provide aesthetic value, and are one of our truly renewable natural resources. In addition, healthy forests combat a variety of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression to name a few.

As we move forward, the need for a coordinated effort is increasingly necessary. While Hamilton’s efforts are critical to the well-being of the city, they cannot stand alone. Our forests and their benefits and services go well beyond any jurisdictional or political boundary – all working together to provide the essential benefits of a strong economy and healthy individuals. With the support of all Ontarians, we can ensure healthy forests for our future, all combining as one big healthy forest serving our entire population.
Shelley McKay, Forests Ontario

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