Comment 101325

By jason (registered) | Posted May 15, 2014 at 09:49:45 in reply to Comment 101322

Here are a dozen neighbourhoods currently working in their plans. Anyone who thinks complete streets, traffic calming and safe transportation options for ALL users are just minor issues only cared about by a few west end hippies needs to read every. single. report.

This cry for safe streets is mirrored city-wide. My parents hood on central Mtn near upper james just had speed humps approved after petitioning. Upp Stoney Creek residents just had speed humps and lower speed limits approved on certain streets there. The list goes on and on.
Hamilton has pushed it's citizens long enough with this dangerous, 'high-speed car as god' mentality for too many decades.

No wonder citizens are finally going out in the middle of the night to fix things themselves. Only a small handful of people love the dangerous status quo (not in their own hoods, of course) and they all work at city hall.

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