Comment 101094

By AnjoMan (registered) | Posted May 07, 2014 at 10:29:19 in reply to Comment 101091

Again, its not that BRT is bad, but this is a discussion about downgrading from LRT to BRT; only in that context is BRT a negative. If the province decided that LRT is too expensive and said they would fund BRT or nothing, we LRT supporters would be disappointed but we would support BRT over the nothing, especially since 'nothing' includes leaving King and Main as 4-lane highways. But the province isn't saying they would rather fund BRT because both they and city staff know that LRT is the better option for this application.

Furthermore, in those videos the BRTs shown have many features comparable to LRT such as level boarding, right of way, pre-purchased fares etc... but the videos don't explain why we should do BRT instead of LRT.

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