Comment 101048

By MattM (registered) | Posted May 06, 2014 at 15:21:08 in reply to Comment 101046

They do that in Toronto quite frequently, especially given the fact that the Canadian Light Rail Vehicles that the TTC uses are 40 years old and showing their age. They have couplers behind a detachable piece of the body for use in towing. The TTC also uses short turning trackage to get vehicles off the main route, something that HSR would most likely install in some places as well (it's a common practice in light rail systems).

The entire city doesn't come to a standstill because a vehicle has broken down or because the route is otherwise blocked. The vehicles can be short turned before the blockage with shuttle service around it until it's resolved. Seriously people, it's not like no city has ever attempted to run train cars on the street before. We've been doing it for over a century.

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