Comment 101039

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted May 06, 2014 at 13:36:47

Well I won't speculate on what happened, but, has anyone notice how disproportionately elderly people are getting hit crossing streets in this city?

This is right in my (former) neighborhood too, where I have seen elderly pedestrians almost mowed down more than once.

I spent the last two months on crutches, and I can tell ya, if you can't move fast, crossing the street can (at times, in some spots) be bloody scary. Fortunately many people are nice and at least take their foot off the gas if they see someone struggling to cross. Sometimes they don't, and, well in this case, "... the pedestrian was propelled a considerable distance ..."

Again, I don't mean to speculate that the driver was entirely at fault, but there is a consistent pattern - the weak shall perish in the Hammer.

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