Comment 100888

By LOL_all_over_again (registered) | Posted May 04, 2014 at 01:12:49 in reply to Comment 100865

There are many terrible drivers on the road. If you wish to post an article and ask for opinions I have a few. However that is not the theme of this article and posts. I don't see the relevance of doctors or cops checking themselves to the culpability of motorists in vehicle vs pedestrian collision. The comments and articles on this site would have you believe that there is wholesale slaughter on the roads where motorists are deliberately and wantonly running into cyclists and pedestrians. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am often amazed that there are not more incidences of pedestrians being hit. Over the years I have seen a drastic change in the behaviour of pedestrians. There is a lot less respect and even fear of vehicular traffic. More and more I hear it is my right to cross the road. The car had better not hit me. I can ride my bike with out lights at midnight the cars can see me, they had better not hit me or I'll sue. I have heard it all. I have had some very long arguments with young people and even my own children about this. I have more fear of their safety now then when they were little kids.

We have a complicated set of laws dealing with the responsibility of people. It has taken years for it to get to where it is and it is constantly changing. If you or others are not happy then please change them. That is how civilization works. Many changes have taken place and many more are on their way.

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