Comment 100864

By Chris Angel (registered) | Posted May 03, 2014 at 15:39:50 in reply to Comment 100766

Whenever a motorist gets behind the wheel that person SHOULD take complete responsibility for arriving at their destination without injuring other drivers, pedestrians, cyclist or those using disability transportation. The only exceptions are in the rare instance when another individual recklessly endangers themselves in a manner unlikely to be predictable to the motorist. This last "get out of jail free card" has been abused to ridiculous levels by courts and governments more concerned with assuring insurers and motorists that it is business as usual. By all means take no more care than you are already you "salt of the earth get out of my way types". I am now exclusively a motorist as cycling is no longer possible for me. I have logged a lot of mileage over the last 40 years and have never injured another individual. I would like to think this is because I make an extra effort to drive safely even when others are not. I do not believe I am exceptional in this regard and there are many other drivers who take similar care. Any experienced motorist knows that this is not always the case. Any day I drive; which is most I see more than a few drivers who appear to have no concern for anyone - even themselves. Ricky road racers darting in and out of lanes at 180+ km/hr. In the city idiots running red lights to arrive 6 seconds sooner even if someone has to die. Motorists who are oblivious to road conditions and think it is their "right" to drive at or in excess of the posted speed limit regardless of conditions. I could go on but why bother, if you drive you know it is true. It is bad drivers for the most part who injure or kill other people. The courts are reluctant to revoke drivers licences or impose any sentence that might lead to civil litigation against the driver. This is clearly unjust and needs to be changed. If the courts and governments won't do their job then maybe they need to be shamed into making such changes.

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