Comment 100832

By scrap (anonymous) | Posted May 02, 2014 at 17:56:18

So the Capitalist weighs in, not that this person has anything positive to say. The writer does work in the medical field, which does save lives opposed to the what the capitalist does for a living.

I will say that many who work in the medical profession are part of the priviledged class, they have no clue about many they come into contact with.

My own doctor is oblivious to my concerns of the workld we live in, thus I view my doctor as a non entity, as that is what my doctor deems me as, a non entity.

There is a disconnect, really with those oin the medical world. How can someone try to talk to me about stress, yet there is no dialogue about the government that has caused so much stress? Are those who work in the medical profession with their letters and such behind thier names oblivious to what they adovcate for???

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